Comment to 'I have Andrews and Likely in a 12 team TEP PPR dynasty league. ...'
  • Yeah, I think you are holding right now, otherwise you are selling at rock bottom pricing.

    Their value can really only go up from where it is now and if you are rebuilding and not trying to win now then you can afford to wait until that value raises.

    • 2

    Original Post
    Added a post to , Football

    I have Andrews and Likely in a 12 team TEP PPR dynasty league.

    What is a realistic ask if I was to try and move them together?

    All Comments
      • Would it be a contending or rebuilding move?

        • Rebuilding.

          • That's hard all around. If you're rebuilding, I wouldn't see it as you being pressed for time. I don't really see their value going down much more than it is. I have a lot of Andrews in dynasty, and I'm holding to wait for a spike in value. Maybe the Ravens get a few weeks where the game script requires more passing?

            I could see like a 2nd and Polk? Maybe slip in a 3rd?

            • 2
            • Yeah, I think you are holding right now, otherwise you are selling at rock bottom pricing.

              Their value can really only go up from where it is now and if you are rebuilding and not trying to win now then you can afford to wait until that value raises.

              • 2
            • thanks for the feedback!

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