There are some pretty strong teams. (I'm getting Nabers) My team could go either way though, so I'm waiting to see how some of my players do before making a decision. I have 5 firsts for 25 and 26, so I'm content to wait. I liked the value on the deal so I took it. I still have Etienne, Javonte and Stevenson at RB, so while not strong, I'm not weak either.
Contending/rebuilding DOES matter here for me, though! lol
I will say, though, that you can get Nabers in that deal and easily flip those firsts for some good talent if you don't value draft picks that much.
There are some pretty strong teams. (I'm getting Nabers) My team could go either way though, so I'm waiting to see how some of my players do before making a decision. I have 5 firsts for 25 and 26, so I'm content to wait. I liked the value on the deal so I took it. I still have Etienne, Javonte and Stevenson at RB, so while not strong, I'm not weak either.
Nabers and the firsts all day. Like @Corey FFAN said, if you're leery of the firsts, flip 'em for some RB talent or the like.
Nabers side without much of a second thought