Comment to 'Which side? The picks will be late. Assume contending/rebuilding...'

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Which side? The picks will be late. Assume contending/rebuilding doesn't matter.

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    • Contending/rebuilding DOES matter here for me, though! lol

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      • I will say, though, that you can get Nabers in that deal and easily flip those firsts for some good talent if you don't value draft picks that much.

        • There are some pretty strong teams. (I'm getting Nabers) My team could go either way though, so I'm waiting to see how some of my players do before making a decision. I have 5 firsts for 25 and 26, so I'm content to wait. I liked the value on the deal so I took it. I still have Etienne, Javonte and Stevenson at RB, so while not strong, I'm not weak either.

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        • Nabers!!

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          • Nabers and the firsts all day. Like @Corey FFAN said, if you're leery of the firsts, flip 'em for some RB talent or the like.

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            • Nabers side without much of a second thought

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