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My home league is a SF .5PPR Keeper league. I can keep two, thoughts?

    • Bijan and Breece. Don't overthink it. No penalty on Bijan and a discount on Hall and you've got the best starting RB duo in the league.

      • Bijan and Breece while showing up to draft with a hard on....

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        • Breece and Taylor give you the best value. then draft Bijan in the 1st

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          • Taylor and Richardsons value is tempting. I’d go Breece and Taylor/Richardson and go get a stud WR or even bijan with your first pick lol.

            id be trying to trade bijan to someone else to get picks

            • My league is very apprehensive when trading with me haha

            • But there's a caveat: my buddy is a huge UT fan and I've made it my mission to keep Bijan from him and he picks before me.

              ✋ On one hand, there's the strategic play, ✋ on the other there's a petty ass bitch haha

              Update: I went Breece/JT

              • I would have been petty AF 😂

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