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Who is the safest 1st pick in a superflex redraft league ?
Comments (6)
    • Hurts has a lot of weapons and a low amount of change in personnel, so we know what to expect, for the most part. Mahomes is incredible but I think his rushing upside is more limited than Hurts. Poor Allen just has less weapons and could be forced to put his body in more danger this year. That makes me nervous.

      • 1
      • It sounds like we agree on these 3 Qbs evaluation except I think Mahomes will have a much better year passing and Barkley could sabatoge Hurts TD totals .

        • I have cooked up this thought that Barkley being in the backfield will open things up for Hurts' rushing attempts more because they will have to respect Barkley so much. A quality over quantity approach.

          The only proof of this is in my head 😂

        • I’m definitely on every other year Mahomes train. This is the other. He’s gonna ball. I have several shares of hurts but Mahomes be Mahoming

          • Mahomes is my QB1 this year with the weapons upgrades.

            • Ditto Amber here.

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